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YFS Minutes 05/03/2016 Commission Meeting

Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
                                            Minutes May 3, 2016; 5:30 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Members Present:
Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs representative
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member
Jonathan Paradis, Secretary;  Parks and Recreation Representative
Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative
Peggy Viggiano, at large
Megan Barnes, Student Representative
Kiwon-Paul Dionne Jee, Student Representative
Sarah Anderson, Student Representative
Sophie Alden, Student Representative
Katholiki Filindarakis, Student Representative

Also Present:
Heather McNeil, Director Y&FS
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Call to Order
Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.  He welcomed everyone and asked that everyone introduce themselves for new attendees.  He explained voting and their roll to the students.  

Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Barnes led the pledge of allegiance (Note: Ms. Lewis noted that she would bring to the attention of Old Saybrook Rotary the need for a new flag and was sure they would be delighted to donate a flag.)


Comments from the Public - None


Review and Approval of Minutes
A motion made by Ms. Welsh to approve the minutes of April 5, 2016, seconded by Ms. Kennedy and was so VOTED unanimously.


Chairman’s Comments - None


Director’s Report
Ms. McNeil welcomed everyone and noted how pleased Y&FS was with their new offices.  She gave a brief overview of what the agency does in general including clinical services.  The agency is a training site for colleges and universities.  She noted that YAC (Youth Action Council) meets twice per month for dinner.  They will be having a barbeque with grades 8-12 June 2, 2016

Ms. McNeil also noted that Megan Barnes and Kiki Filindarakis built a shelter on the town green out of cardboard for their Senior Project, received many commendations on their efforts, and will present the project at OSHS 5/16/16.

Ms. McNeil reported that for the new student representatives, there will be a get together with the Freshman Class for a retreat at Camp Hazen on May 9th at 7:30 a.m.

She also reported that she will be meeting with Kathy Bai and Superintendent Perruccio to see how Y&FS can become more involved in the schools.
  • Senior Awards –  this award is given to a senior who has overcome adversity to succeed in school.  This year the award of $150.00 will go to Kiernan O’Herlihy.
  • Budget Update – There is a reduction of $1,500.00 in the 2016-2017 budget by the Board of Finance.  Ms. McNeil noted that as a result of that cut, vacation coverage will be taken out of that budget.
  • Summer programming - Ms. McNeil noted that everything is on target and the staff is very energetic.
  • Movies on the Beach – Dates are: 6/24; 7/8; 7/22; 8/5; these are Fridays.  Yale New Haven Hospital is the sponsor.
  • Summer Stock Theatre – Dates are:  7/15; 7/16; at the high school.
  • Community Service – Grades 7 – 12; Hunger awareness; environmental stewardship; web address:
  • Youth Leadership Conference – LEAD 6/24 in New Haven.
  • New student reps for next year - The new student representatives for next year are Kiwon Paul Dionne Jee and Sarah Anderson.
The commission discussed how to be a bigger presence in the community at large.  Ms. Viggiano suggested presentations to service organizations, boards and commissions.  Ms. Kennedy suggested Channel 19, to which Ms. McNeil said she would follow up.   It was also suggested to ask the Board of Education to do a survey regarding opiates and e-cigarettes.  Also discussed was to develop a program to meet the needs of high school students.


Old Business - None


New Business - None


Other Business – Ms. McNeil noted that there will be an Open House at Y&FS sometime in September to coincide with Family Day and 45th anniversary of OSYFS


Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 6:13 p.m. by  Jonathan Paradis, seconded by Megan Barnes was so VOTED unanimously.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk for
Sharon Tiezzi